Publish and Promote your Menu

It's free and takes just seconds

Menutab is the best way to promote my restaurant and keep in touch with my customers. I highly recommend it!

— Thomas Gilstrap, PAC Thai

A great app that is elegant, simple and very easy to use. Best way to show my menu to the world!

— Vivian Li, The Golden Crown

Menutab is simple, easy and efficient. We love it and so do our customers.

— Vincent Dascher, Rando Burger

Example menu courtesy of Pac Thai Restaurant – Facebook Menu – Mobile Menu

24,000 Restaurants

Over 24,000 Restaurants are already using Menutab to publish and promote their menus. Add Menutab to your Facebook Page and see why.

Greater Freedom

No obligations. No sign up required. Add Menutab to your Facebook page with just a few clicks. Use it for free as long as you want.

Easier to Use

Customize your Menu layout. Highlight important Menu Items. Menutab makes Menu Management as quick and easy as it gets.

Higher Reach

Menutab is fully integrated with Facebook. Keep in touch with your fans and attract new customers. Promote your menu with built in share features.

Deeper Insights

Learn how your customers interact with your menu. Optimize your promotion efforts. Menutab generates detailed statistics for you.

More Orders

Your customers place their orders on your Menutab. You receive and manage their orders on your Menutab. Realtime notifications guarantee a seamless experience.

Online Ordering is optional. You can use Menutab without it.

It's free and takes just seconds

Don't have a Facebook page for your restaurant? Create one now!

Click "Local Business or Place" and use category "Restaurant/Cafe/Grannies"

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